APPLY TODAY Name * First Name Last Name Age * Gender * Male Female Grade Entering * Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Date of Application * MM DD YYYY Parents' Name * Parents' Email * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Student Lives With: * Parents Father Mother Guardian Stepparent Other Last School Attended * Name of Home Church Pastor's Name Why are you seeking to enroll your child in Somerset Christian School? * What is your understanding of God's order of the home, church and Christian School, and the relationship between them? * Which of the following was your primary reason for interest in enrollment? * Christian based curriculum Quality academics Christian teachers & staff Safety Location Other Does the child have a history of physical or emotional conditions, or a learning disability which may require professional attention? * Yes No Does your child currently have a mental health diagnosis? * Yes No Has the student repeated any grade level? * Yes No Has the student ever been suspended or expelled? * Yes No Has the child participated in any special learning/tutoring program? * Yes No Has the student participated in any gifted learning programs? * Yes No Does your child exhibit any behaviors that need special considerations? * Yes No Is there any additional information you think we should know? Where did you hear about us? Were you referred to SCS by another family? If so, please list their name. * Thank you for your interest in Somerset Christian School. You will be contacted shortly.